Avephto is a responsive blogger template for photographers. It comes with clean and modern design with two styles. It can be easily customized using the official blogger template designer. There are many features that this template comes with such as smooth scroll, unlimited colors, clean typography, fast loading and minified coding etc. You can use for photography, portfolios, gallery or blogging purposes.
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The template is designed with flexible approach lets you to easily change the color skin, font size and other customization options easily from the official blogger template designer.
Detailed Features
Ultra Responsive Design For mobile and tablet devices
PowerFull Admin Panel
Custom Image Lightbox
Masonry Layout Design
Multiple layout styles
Posts navigation with next and previous post above the fold
Attractive related post design
Beautiful sidebar with avatar, social links, page menu and search box
Awesome footer style with multiple widget designs
Lot of flexibility lets you to add any widget anywhere
High definition (HD) style and design
Custom widgets for photography, portfolio and blog
Blogger Template designer supported
Unlimited customization options (colors, fonts, template skins (light and dark etc.)
Minimized HTML, CSS and Jquery
Fast Loading in all web browsers
Search Engine Optimized (SEO)
Support Facebook Open Graph & Twitter Cards
Random, recent or posts based on labels in the mega menu
Random, recent or posts based on labels in the sidebar
Adsense Ready
jQuery and CSS3 animation Effects
More then twenty the most trending social Media icons for follow and sharing purposes with different styles (flat, rounded and rotating etc.)
The awesome mega menu designed with CSS3 and HTML.
Cross Browser Compatible
Font Awesome Icons Integration
Full width featured carousel Slider below the mega menu or can be placed anywhere in the widget section
High quality image thumbnails
Custom Contact US Form in the mega menu navigation for quick access
Blogger threaded Comments system with cool design
Custom Error Page with recent posts listed
Shortcodes ready for buttons and other UI elements
and more..