City Robots Attack 3D
Aout Game: City Robots Attack 3D is FPS shooting Game, this extremely smart Robo Tank, they are equipped with some serious and modern multi weapons. This micro-controller tank can change its capability according to problem it faces. It can transform its weapon into guided missile or a powerful grenade and machine gun. If you can handle this Tank properly, you can save yourself and the world from a major disaster. For Code help please our descriptive documentation where we defined about project code and plus about adds network(Addmob+leadbolt) Key Features: -Menu Background — Admob Integrated — -Leadbolt Integrated — – No Flash Player Required. —No extra code is required —Step-By-Step Documentation is Included - -Complete Documentation include in Package. — -Demo apk include in Package.
About Code And Customization:Just you have to Change your Graphics, Package Name, integrate a admob Ad Code Difficulty all the things are include in documentation folder of Package with screenshots Support: Please ask any question at any time regarding this 3D Game.if you can not download the apk file that is attached in demo so please ask to the following ids. Skype id wasifgc Email: