Cost Tracker with Admob
Cost Tracker is an android application that will help you to easier track your cost/spending money. Steps to use it:- Add and save your transaction inserting description, price, and your buying time.
- You can see your transactions history and also you can update or delete it.
- You can see all your transactions history in chart mode. It has 3 filter, they are daily, monthly, and yearly
- The awesome thing we have here is we can set our budget by weekly or monthly
- You can also see the budgets history you ever set
- You do not need to always open your app to see your remaining budget, because this app also provide the widget about current budget information
- This app also embedded with admob
- Flat UI Design
- Custom ListView for Transaction and Budget History
- SQLite Database to save your transaction
- Admob integration
- Line chart
- Android Widget

Demo APK
[download]Play Store
I already uploaded it in playstore, but it is using Indonesian version (indonesian language, using Rp currency, and others)Check it here