Find Words
About The Game :
find the word it is an easy to play game, that helps the player to learn the correct spelling of the words in a funny and a challenging way. In this game a word will be shown at first, then the player should find it in a list of auto generated words as quickly as possible. it comes with 3 interessting and easy to costomize modes :- The Easy Mode : The player should find an easy word in a list of those only upper cases letters ( The list is easy to be customize and supported by any language you want) in 60 sec (can be changed), then after each level the time will be decreased by 1 sec (can be changed) until he reachs a minimuim value (that can be changed). In this mode the game will give the player five hints per game and 1 per level (can be changed) if he takes so much time to figure out the letter, and also 5 helps (can be changed) if he doesn’t complete the word. This level contains 3 rows and 3 columns.
- The Medium Mode : The player should find a word in a list of those uppers and smalls cases letters in 50 sec that will be decreased after each level. In this mode the player has 3 hints per game and 3 helps.This level contains 3 rows and 3 columns.
- The Hard Mode : The game in this mode became so challenging, it gives the player 40 sec that will be decreased by one sec after each level. 1 hint and 1 help per game and a list of words that contains uppers and smalls cases words and also numbers to make it more and more challenging.

Features of source code :
- AdMob Integration (Banner and Interstitial).
- Very easy to customize and reskin.
- Sound effects.
- Custom screen records.
- A separate list of words for each mode.
- Support both phones and tabs.
- Play/Pause sound button.
- Rate and share button.
- Help screen to explain the game logic to the player.
- Clear graphics at all screen resolutions.
- Helps and hints for the player.
- Unlimited levels.

What You Get :
- Java, XML and APK files.
- Necessary Library Files required for game.
- GIMP files :
- All the activities graphics.
- The 2 logos used in the game.
- A video documentation of the game that includes :
- How to import the game using eclipse.
- How you can change the images.
- How you can change the backgrounds and texts colors.
- How you can change fonts.
- How you can change sounds.
- How you can customize the game rules. (very easy)
- How you can change a text.
- How you can a word to the list of each mode.
- How to change AdMob settings.
- How you can change the letters to generate.
- How to change the shared text.
- How to change the games rules page.
- How to change the application icon.
- How to change the application name.
- How you can change the package name.
- How you can export the apk file.

Updates :
In case of any bug we will be delighted to fix it and update the source code.Notes :
This game was developed using eclipse . The maximum length of the word depends on the screen resolution of the device in which the application runs, we recommend 9 so that the application works in any device correctly.Demo :
Download the demo apk.
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