Groovy is a AngularJs music app template. Built using AngularJs and Bootstrap it provides a fully usable music app with user’s playlist functionality, Albums, Artists, users profile pages, sign in pages, front page and a lot more.
Groovy is built to be adapted to your needs and data is fetched already using HTTP request simulating a cloud based environment, all you need to change is the endpoint for where to get the data from. Just point to your server and your done!
The theme uses Bootstrap so its easy to customize, using all best practices of good sass for building css (SMACSS). It also comes with Grunt and bower for managing dependencies.
Feature list :
Angular media player for fully functional playlists
Artists page / Albums page
scss files
Grunt tasks
Bootstrap UI elements
Form validation and customization
Awesome single pages
Personal page / User profile
Toastr notifications
15 May 2015
Fix page layout on dashboard
16 May 2015
Fix mobile navigation
Credits :
The following scripts and frameworks where used in the development of this theme :
AngularJs – https://angularjs.org/
UnderscoreJs – http://underscorejs.org/
JQuery – http://jquery.com/
Bootstrap – http://getbootstrap.com/
Fontawesome – http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/
Angular bootstrap – https://github.com/angular-ui/bootstrap
Angular media player – https://github.com/mrgamer/angular-media-player
The following pages where used to get mp3 files for the demo of the theme
The following sites where used to get images for the demo of the theme
Unsplash – https://unsplash.com/