Insidious Magazine
Insidious Magazine – one of the most advanced and complex, responsive magazine themes for Tumblr.
It offers support for all post types, except Ask, up to 8 main categories and 4 different post layouts for each of them, 2 featured posts categories + 1 top, 1 bottom and 1 sidebar category = plenty of stuff to display at once.
But wait, there’s more…
The theme allows to change the color of all 26 sections of the page, it will show your important news in a ticker, your Twitter, Instagram, Flickr and Pinterest feeds, list of your recent posts and comments and many more.

This theme needs a small manual adjustment with the title, when user creates the post, so please be aware that this technique may cause problems with posts layout in existing blogs.

Responsive layout
170+ options
26 custom accent colors
All post types (except Ask)
News ticker
Recent posts
Social sharing
8 custom links
2 text widgets
8 main categories
4 different layouts for each main category
2 featured categories
1 top post category
1 sidebar category
1 footer category
Custom pages
24 social profiles
Twitter feed
Instagram feed
Flickr feed
Pinterest feed
Tag cloud
Disqus comments
Recent comments
Google Analytics
And more…
Template files
Detailed documentation
jQuery Share
Social Photo Stream
Tumblr RSS
Photoset Grid
Multi-Level Push Menu
Tumblr Cloud Tag
Normalize CSS
Open Sans
Merriweather Sans
Cd Recording icon.
Film Strip icon.
Link interface symbol icon.
Pause button icon.
Play button icon.
The images shown are not included with the item!

Thanks to
Unsplash for their amazing pictures!