MaterialCordova Cordova/Phonegap Material Template
MaterialCordova is a base app template to develop android/iPhone apps using Cordova/Phonegap. This template is built using Angular material, which is best suited for developing mobile websites and apps using web technologies. So material cordova will be a nice material design template to develop phonegap applications. It is built using Cordova, Cordova plugins, angular Material and angular js. We Can easily take build using phonegap, cordova or online phonegap build. Cordova is an nice tool to develop HTML5 based hybrid apps. It will help you to develop apps for multiple platforms without coding in different programming languages. Download Demo Android App

Features of Angular Material Template
Admob ready
Add admob plugin and show ads intantly calling a simple function.Android Push notification
Easily integrate android push notification. Example codes are included in template to integrate push notification.Read this before you buy
You need to be able to install Cordova/Phonegap and its dependencies on your machine. We do not provide support for Cordova/Installation.v1: Initial release