Nexus is a multi-purpose HTML5 template perfect for creative/digital agencies, startups & freelancers of any kind. The theme is 100% responsive and easy to customize – if you need any help we offer free support! Give your visitors an experience to remember – Nexus is a modern website template which is built to be engaging and interactive. Create a stunning website simply and quickly thanks to our clean and intuitive code and our complete and comprehensive documentation. We have built Nexus using our own custom framework, making it eaiser for you to manage, and quicker for you to build.

Main Features
Built using our own custom Front-End Framework 350+ Animated icons (Livicons) – $14 Value Font Awesome icons Unlimited colors 4 homepage options 100% responsive built using mobile-first principles Built with Sass following modular CSS principles All pages 100% valid HTML5 15 HTML pages Includes one-page version Unique full-page off-canvas navigation Client-side HTML5 form validation Scroll animations Parallax effects HTML5 video background HTML5 logo option Fixed-header option Only free Google Fonts used Source PHP template files included Owl Carousel with touch-swipe support Magnific Popup responsive jQuery lightbox Complete and comprehensive documentation Easy to customize and build upon Pages
about.html blog.html contact.html index-single.html index-single-2.html index-single-3.html index-single-4.html index.html index-2.html index-3.html index-4.html portfolio.html services.html single-post.html single-project.html Resources
One Nexus Framework HTML5 Boilerplate Modernizr Normalize Livicons Font Awesome Owl Carousel Tipr animateNumber Raphaël Magnific Popup Stock Images/Videos All stock images shown on the demos are for presentation only and are not included with the download.
Unsplash Flickr – Daniel Zedda Envato marketplace logos Distill (video background) Fonts
Lato Raleway About
This theme was designed and coded in the UK by
Edmund Reed of You can follow him on
Twitter and