A new and best collection of status, proverbs, quotes and sayings. Demo : https://www.dropbox.com/s/yiv054icsriqa3p/WhatsappFacebookStatus.apk?dl=0 All statuses are divided into 10 categories: Anniversary statuses, Birthday statuses, Breakup statuses, Emotional statuses, Funny statuses, Good Day statuses, Inspirational statuses, Love statuses, Romantic statuses, Sorry statuses. Our whatsapp status app provides a superb range of most classical and mind blowing new quotations just for you. We collect the most finest quotes and categorize these quotes according to your convenience so that you could have a better user experience and enjoy this app. Features:- - 40,000+ new and awesome quotes. - Admob banner/intersitials ads integrated. - Works offline and has status quotes for all occasions. - 40 + different quotation categories. - 10000+ status latest collection in over 40 new categories. - Clean User Interface - Copy feature to copy and paste the statues. - Easy customization of text. - Adorable UI for best user experience. - Share statuses via other applications. - Easy and quick reskin. - Ultimate sleek and beautiful user interface. - Step by step documentation to guide you. Share these quotes easily with your loved ones and your friends on facebook, whatsapp, kik, google hangout, twitter, WeChat, Skype etc. Reference app URL : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=moderniseapp.chat.status.free Demo apk file : What you will get is : -Full application source code. -Step by step documentation. -Sqllite database tool to open SQLite file. -apk file. -screenshots. You may like Photo Collage App