SIM Card Manager with Admob
SIM card manager is a tiny tool that reads your SIM card and give you many helpful informations. It also help you to manage contacts in you SIM Card, you can view all your contacts stored on SIM Card, create a new contacts (store to SIM card), modify a contact or delete contact(s).
- View SIM Card info: SIM Card Serial, Phone number, SIM carrier.
- View all contacts stored on SIM card.
- Spacy sound
- Search/Add/Delete/Modify contact
- Install on SD card
- Import/Export contact to SD card
– Java Native code, easy to import into Eclipse, Intelliji or Android Studio -
- Admob Integrated to monetize

The Support:
We provide full support so when you have questions, we’re here to answer. Don’t hesitate to ask us any questions.

Demo apk