Spaceship Logo Reveal
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Spaceship Logo Reveal
Spaceship Logo Reveal is a high quality logo sting project for After Effects. The camera drifts back from an alien world, before a spaceship rapidly approaches and flies past the camera… transitioning from the planet to your logo.
Designed to be quick and easy to use, you’ll be able to add your own logo and render the project in a matter of only a few minutes. You can choose from one of four planets, or add your own assets as required.
A perfect logo reveal for anything to do with space, science fiction, gaming or future technology.
Epic by Audio Pizza
Modern Cinema Logo 6 by Pavelzuk
Thanks for looking, and make sure to check out my other space related clips! If you need something specific that isn’t in my portfolio, then get in touch via my profile page and hopefully I can help.
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Did you know we have another account on Envato with some of our most popular items? Head on over to our SpaceStockFootage2 portfolio, for a further selection of high quality space and astronomy related footage!

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