Tresno - Personal Blog Tumblr Theme
Tresno is a Responsive Personal Tumblr Blog Theme. This theme is suitable for bloggers, photographers, jurnalists, and anyone who like responsive design, clean, and minimalist. We also have to provide documentation that is fully and detailed so you are not confused to learn about the features available in this theme. Note: All images from,, and all of demo are not included in the download file. Note: Please, review this theme and ask before you buy.
Online Documentation
Need more information? Please visit our online documentation. Read OnlineFeatures
Source Images Google Fonts Source Plugins- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- FontAwesome
- Modernizr
- Fitvids Js
- Slicknav
- Tumblr Tag Cloud
- Colorbox JS
- Photoset Grid JS
- jQuery Flickr Plugin
- Slick JS
- jQinstapics JS
- Response JS
- HTML5Shiv