Barebone Ionic Material
What’s new in version 1.1: Google Charts Integration. Sample screen that demonstrates the usage of the Location service. Samples screens where a plethora of Form Elements and Layouts are demonstrated. What’s next: Social sharing of articles, integration of Facebook User’s and Pages’ Albums.
Feature request
Help us improve this app in a way that absolutely makes sense. Suggest the next feature you would like to see implemented. We are taking suggestions very seriously.Introduction
Barebone Ionic Material is the Material Design you need in order to build your next extremely modular Ionic application. It is a well structured, well organised and implemented, full working app that comes with all the ingredients a modern application needs. Best practices, proven techniques and experienced software architecture are packed with a well crafted integration of Material design principles.At a glance
The application follows the modern trends of the “Slide menu”.Remote data
The News, Products and Galleries, listing windows are fetching data from online sources by using the JSON protocol. The source URLs for these listings are set in the application’s configuration file. Images, Galleries, texts and whole entries can be updated by adjusting the remote sources. Nevertheless, rebuilding and re-distributing the application are not required for constant updates. The same applies for the pins in the live map too. The users are able to add and configure the pin points just by adjusting the remote source.Articles and products listing
Two different content types are used and demonstrated in Barebone Ionic Material. The application provides the ability of forming Articles by adding a unique photo in any of them. Products are similar to Articles but are supporting an unlimited number of accompanying images. An Image Slider is created by using them.Gallery integration
Barebone Ionic Material comes with an Image Gallery already integrated. All the images are controlled by a remote JSON structure. Unlimited number of Galleries is supported and displayed by using three different views: Galleries Feed, Gallery’s thumbnail, Images View (slide).Wordpress


Youtube playlists is fast and easy to be fed into the application. You only need to do two simple steps: 1. Provide the Youtube account username and 2. Provide your API key in a single code line All the complexity behind the communication with the Youtube API is taken care for you already.Vimeo
Vimeo playlists is fast and easy to be fed into the application. You only need to do two simple steps: 1. Provide the Vimeo account username and 2. Provide your API key in a single code line All the complexity behind the communication with the Vimeo API is taken care for you already.Infinite Scroll
Infinite Scroll, a technique that loads paginated data automatically while you are scrolling is demonstrated. Best practices regarding its implementation are available in the Vimeo videos listing screens. Infinite Scroll, ensures that the user enjoys a truly responsive experience without having to wait for pages to preload.

Google Charts

Location Service / Device’s Location

Plethora of Forms Samples
A plethora of Sample screens where all the available by the platform form elements and form layouts are demonstrated. See a Video Demonstration …Push notification
A full working Push notification example is integrated into the application. It comes also with detailed instructions on how to configure everything in your end and have your application ready to send and receive Push Notifications.Architecture
Yeoman Ionic Framework Generator powered
Yeoman Ionic Framework Generator combines the best practices and features for scaffolding a hybrid application. It makes building of a mobile app easy and quickly since Yeoman is integrated with Ionic Framework and Cordova plugin. Also, the included Grunt build system optimizes and automates some important tasks of your workflow.Modularity

Ionic Material design
Barebone Ionic Material includes all Ionic components closely themed to the Google Material Design by integrating the Ionic Material library. As a result, there is no need to change the way you develop your Ionic hybrid app but you are able to unlock the best depth, motion and ink representations of Google’s material design with a single add-on library. Ionic Material is seamlessly themable and, also, it provides more color options as it builds on Ionic’s color naming conventions and provides 3 variations based on Google’s color style guide.Therefore, all that innovative material design principles using shadows, transitions and surfaces are available for your app with practically no effort.Ionic design
Barebone Ionic Material utilizes Ionic Material to incorporate material design experience. Since Ionic Material is an extension library of Ionic Framework, you will find no difficulty in integrating it with Ionic directives and, as a result, it will fit seamlessly into your Ionic app development flow. Ionic Material sits atop of Ionic and complies with the conventions of the Ionic Framework without causing any conflicts with Ionic’s behavior and styles. Consequently, Ionic’s UI elements will continue to provide a pleasant and appealing user experience. Ionic Framework comes with a detailed and impressive CSS framework for layout styling. Furthermore, it handles header elements in a very similar way to existing libraries you may have used. Headers are available in many different default color options. Adding a footer element is as easy as adding a header. Moreover, Ionic comes with its own icon library built in which contains almost everything you should need.Documentation
The documentation which is coming with, describes in details everything that is needed in order to get started with the app and personalize it.Devices
The code is extremely tested on iOS and Android mobile phones. Up to 7” Android tablets are also supported.Change log
1.1 - June 15, 2015 - Location Screen which demonstrates the location service. It is watching and gets and displays the current location of the device. - Sample screens demonstrating all the Form Elements and Layouts - Sample screens demonstrating Tabs and all their available styles. 1.0 - June 10, 2015 - Initial release