Take back your peace of mind and take an active step to prevent the loss of resources and web security with Coral! Coral is a unique PHP-powered intrusion detection and prevention system designed to keep your website, web application, or blog safe from the dark exploits of people who are up to no good. It is designed to take some of the most powerful Linux security ideas and put them into a slick and easy to use web interface. Coral is powerful and feature rich and aims to keep your online assets safe.
You must have PHP version 7.0 or greater to use this application. I do not offer refunds for this. Please make sure you have PHP version 7 before buying!
Coral is built on top of the light-weight Slim 3 PHP framework!
Easy 3-Step Installation
Installing Coral is just as easy as Wordpress! There are just three steps: edit your config.php file, create your database tables at the click of a button, and then create your account! For such a powerful security application, it doesn’t get much easier!
Monitor your Site in Chunks
Coral works by creating monitors which are folders and their sub-folders in your public_html or web root. You can setup multiple monitors to keep an eye on specific areas of your site, such as a Wordpress blog, a Joomla! install, or you can just watch the entire thing.
Vigilant and Automated
You can configure Coral to run automatically on linux based servers with unique cron api routes. Each monitor can be run independently to maximize server performance. Coral was designed to have a small footprint, and has been clocked performing a comprehensive, line by line, scan of Drupal 8, which has over 12K files, at about 5 minutes (0.03s per/file).
Easy to Understand Snapshots
Coral uses snapshots to let you know what’s going on with your site. It specializes in identifying unique threats for PHP websites and web applications. You don’t have to be a genius or programmer to understand when you need to take action. Depending on website’s file permissions, Coral can even be configured to handle certain threats automatically!
Keep an eye on all those files
Coral builds a safe duplicate of your files and securely stores them away as a safe-state when performing scans. Coral makes finding files by their extension type a breeze. You can easily find suspicious files without the hassle and can even search by filename to drill down through potentially thousands of files.
Zoom in and check stuff out at the file level
You can “zoom” in and take a look at each and every file that Coral monitors independently and get a specific threat assessment for that file. You can take action, all from within the dashboard, to correct a situation from a secure, safe-copy or repository of your monitor.
Independent options for fine control
Each monitor can be configured to behave differently. You can limit what files get placed in the repository, and configure Coral to try and “auto-magically” handle threats when it performs one of three routine scans.
Don’t Manage your website alone?
You can create multiple user accounts for your business. You can configure Coral to email every registered user after each scan is complete or when an important event is triggered. All Coral user accounts have the same access.
How to install
I have created an easy to follow screencast to help you get up and running!
View installation screencast
Video Demonstration
Unfortunately due to the security risks posed by demoing Coral, I offer a video demonstration showing off all of the features of the application to include how to install and set everything up. If you need more information, please contact me directly through the CodeCanyon marketplace.