Some features
Easy installation ( installer included )
Upload images
Share images & video from url ( youtube, vimeo )
Categories & Tags
Search system
Advanced responsive admin panel
Seo friendly images & URLs
Media comments
Comments like system
Social share buttons
Drag & Drop widgets
Drag & Drop navbars
Unlimited users & admins
User activity points
User confirmation via email
User recovery password system
User timeline
User notifications
User profile & points
Users can upload an avatar or use GRavatar
Moderate guest activities ( sharing medias, posting comments and etc )
Fully translatable
File upload limits
transparent image sign
New ( added in update v1.0.1 ) now uploaded images will also be resized to 800 and 300 width pixels thumbnails and these thumbnails are used in widgets, grid index, user timeline and etc
Much more ….
None of this list is link-back-required but as a sign of appreciation, here is the list:
jquery UI
jquery form
jquery imagesloaded
jquery infinite scroll
Demo images from Pixabay ( these images are only used in demo )
Version 1.0.1
Fixed some minor bug
now uploaded images will also be resized to 800 and 300 width pixels thumbnails and these thumbnails are used in widgets, grid index, user timeline and etc