Coupons CMS it’s perfect for people who want to start a new coupons/deals website. Never been easier to promote coupons and/or deals of great stores/brands and make money from their affiliate programs.
Some of Coupons CMS top features:
* Powerful admin panel
Able to add sub administrators (administrators have full control of sub administrators options)
Manage Categories
Manage Stores
Manage Coupons
SEO Friendly
Newsletter System (people can subscribe and confirm subscription via email, also they are able to unsubscribe and confirm this via email). Administrators can choose if email confirmation it’s or not required.
Reviews System (people can write reviews about stores that you have). People can also rate stores when add reviews.
Suggestions (able to receive suggestions from visitors or store owners)
Manage Pages (add, edit, delete, publish-unpublish)
Manage Users (add, edit, delete, verify-unverify, ban, send email)
Manage Subscribers (edit, delete, verify-unverify, import, export)
Manage Online Sessions
Clicks Raport (see how visitors leave the website and where they go, graphic also)
* Reward System (administrators are able manage rewards and people claim requests. please see our FAQ section)
* Themes System (it’s so easy to create a new theme for Coupons CMS, build-in forms such as login_form(), register_form(), contact_form(), etc.)
* Widgets (there are 13 different widgets)
* Able to ban users or IP addresses. (administrators are able to ban an IP address temporary or permanent, also able to restrict only Login and/or Register. Or restrict entire site and redirect to other website)
* FEED (you can import coupons and/or stores/brands from an external source, this can be done automaticaly via Cron)
* Coupons CMS allows you to ban automatical an user after a defined number of fail attempts. You can choose after how many attempts to ban and for how long.
Responsive design
Rich Snippets for search engines
Administrator Email:
Administrator Password:
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