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Weather Portal Site
PHP scripts
Weather Portal is an application which engage the user IP Geolocation, crawler weather & geodata information, unique design compatible with mobile devices as well. 200,000++ location arround the world included. url friendly.
13/3/2015 - update sql for server performance - add weather current conditions widget - update css responsive 14/3/2015 - add new ajax call - location page update - add new line graph display - add summary icons - add php cron to world map summary (0 * * * * lynx -dump http://www.yourdomain.com/cron.php ) 15/3/2015 - fixed missing geo data on Central America, Europe etc. 16/3/2015 - add new line avg temp. in graph - add browser cached control - fix MySQL delay insert new location - language translate file available 17/3/2015 - add weather condition on region "Multi-Region (within a country)","Multi-City (Vicinity)","City","Neighborhood", "Point of Interest","Province (State)" - add weather graph summary on region "Multi-Region (within a country)","Multi-City (Vicinity)","City","Neighborhood", "Point of Interest","Province (State)" - add share button on region - fix missing icon from api respond
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