T-Shirt eCommerce – T-Shirt Designer
Online Solution For Printing

Admin DEMO
Password: admin123
Key Features
Product builder
Design any type of product
Add product colors easily
Support views with front, back, left, right for each product
Drag and drop to setup area design
Choose printing type
Custom attributes
Online Designer
Support design template
Support layers: Text, Image, SVG, Team name/number
Drag and drop item
Rotating and scaling item
Change more color of clipart
Upload image
Option to limit the size, dimension and file extension for user upload
Align text from Left, Right and Center
Font weight
Font style italic and oblique
Text decoration, underline
Change text color
Text outline
Change the size of font
Support system fonts and Google fonts (600+ fonts)
Calculate product price for each product with colors and size
Load a saved design of the product
...and more

Version 1.1.1 [24-03-2015]
- Fixed user login
- Fixed user group
- Fixed htaccess
- Fixed file output of design
- Fixed send double email in checkout
- Add change logo in invoice PDF