wpCache is a high-performance, distributed object, caching system application, generic in nature, but intended for use in speeding up dynamic web applications, by decreasing database load time.
wpCache decreases dramatically the page and the data base load time of any dynamic (php) website. Thus achieves the best possible use of server resources, to which the site is located, yielding faster page load times for users and better resource utilization. It is a simple yet powerful application.
wpCache improves the user experience of your site by improving your server performance, caching every aspect of your site, reducing the download times and providing transparent content delivery network (CDN) integration.
Nginx Support
Apache Support
CDN Support
Minify HTML virtual
Minify inline CSS virtual
Minify inline JavaScript virtual
Dynamic inline-JS cache on the fly
Cache will auto update on change
Minimize payload size
JavaScript safe compression
Protection For pre-tags
No Coding Knowledge Required
No Modification Of Any Type Required
Easy To Use
Ready to use Wordpress
Improve Site Loading Time
Improve SEO
Debug on the fly
Refer back to your original source code by disabling it
GZIP Compression Module
WP DDoS Attack Module
Encoder HTTP Module
Compatible with:
Source code
This folder contains all source files that you can use to build wpCache.
wpCache is build on
PHP (PHP preprocessor) for its build system.
├── app/
├── cache/
├── dist/
├── fonts/
├── iplog/
├── modules/
├── scripts/
├── styles/
├── tmp/
Install wpCache your Server:
Upload File’s Main Root setup/wpCache/ folder.
Only upload the file to main site root: http://domain.com/wpCache/
wpCache Insert PHP Code
<pre><?php include_once("wpCache/wpCache.php"); ?></pre>
Add the php code wordpress theme folder wp-content/themes/Name-Theme.
Open footer.php add the php code end tag < /body ><?php include_once("wpCache/wpCache.php"); ?>< /html >
wpCache Control Panel
To configure it go to Control Panel. Link http://domain.com/wpCache/
wpCache® Compare
== v1.0 (28.03.2017) ============
- initial release