NEW!!! Turn your Crea8social Social Network into a Social Network with Paid/Premium Membership features. Generate even more revenue by creating membership/subscription plans.

PayPal/Credit Card/Debit Card Payments from your customers
Create up to 3 Premium Membership Plans
Restrict Page and Communities access based on membership
Auto membership expiration
Access denied message
Payment success message
Hide content from public and guests
Use PayPal sandbox to test the system
HTML messages in the Memberships Page, Access denied page, transaction pages
Set Membership plan expiry by days
Addon uses Paypal as the payment processor.
Works with your existing front end theme or the Admin theme
Installation Guide Updated Documentation (Recommended)
Please visit for the updated documentation.
Please purchase the extended licence if you wish to add membership fees to the addon.
Feel free to contact us for any Addon installation support or customization.
Change Log
### Version 1.4.0 (Released 1/06/2015)
- Fixed the Addon conflicts with other addons
- (Please replace your /Addons/Membership directory with the new addon files
### Version 1.3.2 (Released 29/05/2015)
- Fixed the Membership Buttons (changed app\Addons\Memberships\routes.php)
- Updated the Help Documentation