Persona - iOS7/8 Universal Portfolio App (Swift)

Persona – Full iOS 7/8 Universal Social Portfolio App Template (Swift)

Persona is a Universal full app template you can use to offer a service to professionals, artists, developers, musicians, graphic designers and all the ones who have a portfolio and want to showcase it to the world. It’s like a social network, check out its video preview to see it in action.
Persona allows you to search for artists as a visitor or to signup for an Artist account and manage your Portfolio and Contact info within the device, so all in mobility!
A user may use the computer only to synch his portfolio’s images within the iPhone or iPad with iTunes and save them into the Photo Library, but if he already has a website, he can download his images and save them into his device’s Library. He will then load images from it to upload them into his Persona’s portfolio
With Persona you can upload pictures and YouTube videos (using its Share link) and build your portfolio anywhere, anytime, edit your full name and contact info, write a biography and share your social links from the most popular sopcial networks.
Persona is very easy to customize, it has a single Storyboard and its code has been optimized for all iOS devices, native XCode project, Swift language, iOS 7/8.
IMPORTANT: As per Envato rules, you must purchase Persona under an Extended License if:
1. You plan to sell your own version of this app as a PAID app on the AppStore.
2. You plan to add In-App Purchase to your own version of this template (which means that your users can get charged of money).
3. You plan to sell your own version of this app on Flippa and similar markets.
Important Disclaimer: We’e recently found out that some developers have bought our app templates, reskinned them just a bit and put them on sale on other source code markets smilar to CodeCanyon, saying that they developed and own such source codes.
That is a serious copyright infringement, developers who buy our templates are allowed to reskin and sell them as apps on the AppStore (accordingly to the License type they’ve purchased a template for), but are not allowed to put our original source codes for sale on source code markets, including CodeCanyon. We will report developers who made copyright infringements to the competent authorities. Thanks.