Radio Player
Before attempting to install the file RadioPlayer.air, make sure you have Adobe Air installed on your PC (or Mac). You can find Adobe Air for download at:
This is an Adobe Air application for who wants to create a desktop application for a radio station.
All you need to do is replace the Stream URL (from Flash Media Server or Wowza Media), the logo image and the description texts. If you want, it is very easy to customize the layout of the application too.
- Fully compatible with Shoutcast.
- Easy to set and start using.
- Banner area for advertising.
- Easily to edit the code.
- Run on all major desktop operating systems.
- Fully commented code.
- Help files included.
- Adobe Air Project entirely included.
- All files and required libraries are included.
Source Installation:
Just open the project in your favorite Flex IDE and you’re ready to go.
If you just need a sample source code to know how to do an Flex Application that plays audio stream, that’s your better option!
We did ours best to make your job easy. We’d be glad to help you if you have any questions or problems to solve.;stream/1
Thank you so much!
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