Talent Wordpress Theme is a unique photography portfolio designed for photographers. The theme key features consist of an extraordinary portfolio page that can be navigated by scrolling, keyboard navigation, draging and tapping, a fullscreen image slider in the home page (Revolution Slider), complete color customization, two menu layouts, client area, service page, background images and more! Make sure to check out all three theme deoms!
Theme Features
Horizontal portfolio page
Fullscreen slideshow slider (Revolution Slider)
Two menu layouts
Clean, left menu at the bottom of the screen
Centered menu at the toop of the screen
Unlimited number of portfolio galleries
Portfolio gallery subtitles
Customizable portfolio page:
Add spaces between image thumbnails
Configure inactive entry opacity
Enable/ disable portfolio loop
Enable portfolio page autoplay
Turn on / off snapping, keyboard navigation and more..
Five single portfolio entry layouts:
Masonry with descriptions
Pop-up gallery with zoom-in feature
Pop-up vertical layout
Case Study (perfect for posting videos)
Beautiful fullscreen galleries with (pop-up gallery):
Zoom in option
Social share option
“Enter fullscreen” option
Swipe navigation on touchscreen devices
An option to add image titles to each image
Option to create multiple portfolio pages
Password protected client galleries
Carousel sliders in 3 sizes (large, medium, small)
Two blog layouts:
Standard blog layout
Split blog layout (image on the left, text on the right)
Animated information area in the header
Copyright area in the footer
Responsive design
Optimized for touchscreen devices
Color customization
Background images for regular page templates
Option to add a logo in header
Built with HTML5 and CSS3
Child theme ready
Extentsive documentation included
Sample Content included in the download
Fast and friendly support forum and knowledge base
Created by Envato Elite authors
Image Sourses
Please note that the images in these demo sites are for demonstration purposes only and are not included in the theme download.
Zach Dischner (colorful demo)
Alba Soler (light demo)
Nomadic Lass (dark demo)