WEX - Minimalistic WordPress Portfolio Theme

WEX – Premium Portfolio & Agency Theme
Now you are able to create a quick & easy HTML5 portfolio that showcase your work with an enjoyable design having a distinctive and creative touch.
Powerful WP Theme designed in a clean and minimalistic style. This theme is very flexible, easy for customizing and well documented, approaches for personal and professional use. WEX has been coded in HTML5 & CSS3 and jQuery. It has a solid flexible responsive layout that scales from 320px to 1260px width all Bootstrap features. Follow me to be notified for future updates!WEX is a portfolio WordPress theme, focused on minimalism, elegance and simplicity. It’s created with masonry portfolio grid. Packed with a lot of useful features, options and shortcodes.
Key Features
Advanced Portfolios
You can have unlimited portfolios, each with it’s own categories and custom settings. You havea lot useful features to make your website a perfect showcase of your amazing products! The project pages allow rich content so you can include absolutely anything inside your portfolio, being limited only by your creativity.Change Log
15 JULY 2015- Initial Release